Friday 5 July 2013

> raised bed... ready for decoration!

So, the raised bed for our 11 year old girl is now built (see yesterday's blog post) and ready for decoration. In this snug bedroom (I love challenging rooms), space had to be meticulously planned - there's no room for all the usual pieces of furniture, so, building a bed on top of storage cupboards was the natural answer. The cupboards contain clothes rails and loads of shelves - there's now more storage than having a freestanding wardrobe and set of drawers! We're planning on cladding the bed in our scrapwood wallpaper and having acid yellow ladders.

As the bed is raised up in the air, there's no bedside unit for a lamp or place to set a drink/book down. It would be a real pain to have to keep clambering up and down the ladder for this, so we've turned a void in the wall above the head of the bed into a small set of shelves. This will have internal lighting for bedtime reading etc. Cool hey?

Decoration starts next week.

I'll show you the designs and works for other 3 bedrooms over the next week.


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